GBFTC(Global Bridge Freedom Technology Corporation)

GBFTC(Global Bridge Freedom Technology Corporation)/全球桥梁自由科技公司/グローバル ブリッジ フリーダム テクノロジー株式会社。

Management (1) 

E-mail and internet are two of the technological forces taht have altered the job of a manager.

technology is now proceeding at a pace that may quicly outstrech management. ability to decide waht to do with waht are so rapidly howe to do. 

AL(Action learning) is a powerful tool for indivdual an organization change.


L= P+Q

L: leaning 

P: Programmed knowledge (that peopole ) have been taught) plans 

Question: Question skills. 

Understanding action learning

1.working on " life  problems

2.being empoered to quesion what is happening

3.trying out suggested solutions

4.stepping back and reflecting what is happening and why

5.sharing the experience with others who are also learning by doing